I have a LOT of my mind right now, ha but what's new?
Let's start off with the whole "first instincts" idea. Right before I went to the hospital I had this huge realization that people should, for the most part, go with their first instinct, (not the first time this has popped into my head, just the first time I really felt kicked in the butt and in the dumps about it). This is just one example, one that I feel everyone can relate to, explaining how silly it is not to go with your first instinct and the outcome of not doing so.
How many times have you been talking to someone and you feel a connection and maybe you'd like to take it to the next level... but you never followed though with it and told that person how you felt? What the fuck is with that? What are you waiting for, for them to tell you how they feel?! Well, just think about it... just as nervous, timid and afraid you are about the situation could be exactly how they're feeling (if they happen to have the same feelings for you). Someone has to make the first move... so if you're sitting around, looking out your window, telling your friends about it, "Does he like me? I'm not sure it seems like he does but he hasn't told me that he does. What should I do?", either ask the kid, or tell him how you fucking feel! There's no point in racking your brain over something that you have full control over figuring out yourself, of course everyone needs advice at times but no one knows the situation better than you do... being the fact that you're the one in it.
If I had a dollar for every time I didn't say what was on my mind when I really wanted to I would have far more money in my pockets than I do now. What is it that we're so afraid of... people making fun of us, not agreeing with us or the big one.. rejection? Well, GET OVER IT! There has been so many times where I'm sitting at home thinking, "what would have happen if I had expressed myself" or just being down because I let an opportunity pass me by that I could have been in control of. To be honest it gets really old after a while. You'll never know unless you take a chance. What's there to be afraid of, what's the WORSE that can happen?