So I'm in Science where I regularly procrastinate and end the class with looking at random pictures or blogging, but I must say I'm pretty proud of myself! I sat here for nearly 3/4s of the whole class typing up my Intro... woop woop go me lol. It's the end of Cycle 3 now and I am really motivated- self motivated, don't ask me how- to do BOMB this cycle. You know, a new cycle comes and I always talk about, "Oh yeah, I'm gonna do sooo much better."... sadly i didn't meet the standards of doing my very best for cycle 3 but hey can't cry over split milk riiiiight? I did do better than earlier in the year and in the last week adults and teachers have been giving me this motivating speeches trying to encourage me to push through this, that they know I have so much potential, blahblahblah- not like I haven't heard that THOUSANDS of times before... but I guess if they're still saying it it means something, it must.
But anywho, this blog is sorrrrta pointless but I just wanted to share a little bit that was on my mind and remind myself that I MUST stop "halfassing" shit as my mom says. Life is what you make it people:) It's time for me to go now though because I only have oneee more quote to add to my intro and then I'm done, and my teacher just came over and said I'm doing a good job but to just finish it. I think it's time for me to start listening... I mean he's only trying to help. Procrastination is my worst enemy man and it is time to slay that evil bastard, hahaa tata for now.
Here's a few interesting pictures that caught my eye, enjoy ;)

Horse Dick? Apparently.... 0_0

Oh, how ever so lovely.. everybody loves fat bottom girl right?