Sunday, December 6, 2009

bad turned to good; and good is turning to better!

So the past week was a pretty bad one for me, I had like a total fail with an asshole boy, lost my phone, been feeling weird with people... I don't know I was just not happy with the way that things were going; like sleeping all the time and shit and just wishing things would get better. What I realized, with the help of my good friend Izzy.. ayyy, is that when shit is going bad you can't focus on the bad because that's no way to make anything better. You just have to stay positive and things will get better. "Bad things come in threes" so I think that things will be looking up! And just as I needed, the weekend has proved that to be right.
So, Saturday me and Izzy went to h&m got a few cute little things, wen to wholefoods and got so much good food and had like an indoor picnic, dipped to Cat's crib; vibed out there, to some music, blunts, funny videos, laughing at everythinggg it was so much fun. (and it snowed, not the best snow but it was still beautiful) That was my SaturDAY and mind you I haven't chilled with this chick in so long, so it was great, I missed her a lot:) We left after our blunt and I went to soho to meet up with 2 of my homeboys, this is when my amazing SaturNIGHT began. I'll get into that in a bit, it was CRAZY though... best night I had in awhile. Must needed details will be added shortly, I've got to go eat some soup now and try to get started on my homework -____- hoe hum.
But let me just say... Sometimes things have to get really bad so that they can get really good!


  1. now if you need me, you know im here G
    you got my back, black? you know its like thaaaattttt

  2. hahaha this weekend we outtttttt!
