Who needs to daydream when reality seems so good at the moment, today was such a good day. I felt like everything, in some weird and unexplainable way, connected. Far too many connections to get in depth about, but everything felt quite right. It was great all the little adventures I had, and the feeling of realizing how something so small can make you so happy.
Today Melina, Joy, Xera and I were walking to the Bodega on the corner of my school and a snowball almost hit us, we look across the street very confused and to our surprise it's some random guy (he wasn't even young). Apparently he was trying to start a snowball with a group of like 8th or 9th grade boys in my school, I couldn't believe it. Well anyway, Xera and I go to Dunkin' Donuts and Melina and Joy to Walgreens. When we get out of Dunkin' Donuts I say to the guy, "Are you trying to start a snowball fight with them?" He goes, "Yeah, I am. I'll make two more snowballs.. you should help me!" At first I'm hesitant and start to walk away but Xera's say, "Omg, that guy is crazy- let's do it!" So he gives us the snowballs, we duke behind the cars and start throwing them at the group of boys... who mind you start to get sooo confused. It was so hilarious and fun, but unfortunately one of our teachers called Xera over asked her what we were doing, said it was dangerous because not only could we accidently hit someone else but we could have gotten hit by a car, oh and who's that guy anyway?! We tell her we don't know, explain what happened, and that we just thought it would be fun and walk away headed towards Walgreens cracking up. Once we reach Melina and Joy we tell them what happened and as we're walking back down the block of our school we see the whole group of boys cross the street and start throwing snowballs at that one guy. Me and Xera just stood there in awe, wishing we could join and help the guy out. I don't know why but that was such an excited part of my day, I love when little things like that make my day. :)
There is so many more exciting events that went on during the day but they're either unexplainable or will have to be added on later.
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